TaskRobin Blog

10 Tips for Email Workflow Productivity

In today’s fast-paced business world, email has become an essential communication tool. However, the sheer volume of emails received on a daily basis can be overwhelming and hinder productivity. In this blog post, we’ll explore ten tips that will help you streamline your email workflow and improve productivity.

Mental Models for Email Productivity

Adopt a Zero-Inbox Policy

A “zero-inbox” approach means processing all emails in your inbox to either respond, archive, or delegate them. Strive to achieve an empty inbox at the end of each day or week. This strategy ensures no emails slip through the cracks and prevents the buildup of overwhelming unread messages.

Schedule Dedicated Email Time

Avoid constant interruptions from email notifications by scheduling dedicated email time throughout the day. By allocating specific periods to check and respond to emails, you can focus on other important tasks without constant email distractions.

Prioritize Emails with the Two-Minute Rule

Implement the “two-minute rule” to prioritize emails efficiently. If an email can be resolved within two minutes, do it immediately. This helps clear your inbox of quick tasks, leaving more time for essential matters.

Regularly Evaluate and Adjust

Continuously evaluate your email productivity and make necessary adjustments to your workflow. Consider analyzing peak email activity times, reviewing the effectiveness of filters and rules, and seeking feedback from team members on optimizing email collaboration.

Email Built-in Tools and Settings

Organize Your Inbox with Folders and Labels

Creating folders and labels is a fundamental step to keep your inbox organized. Categorize emails based on projects, clients, or urgency. This simple organization method allows you to find and respond to important emails quickly, saving valuable time.

Utilize Email Filters and Rules

Email clients offer powerful filtering and rule options. Set up filters to automatically sort emails into appropriate folders or apply labels based on criteria like sender, subject, or keywords. This ensures that your inbox remains clutter-free, allowing you to focus on crucial emails.

Use Keyboard Shortcuts and Email Templates

Familiarize yourself with keyboard shortcuts for your email client. These shortcuts enable you to navigate and perform actions swiftly, without the need to rely on the mouse. Additionally, create email templates for frequently sent responses, such as acknowledging receipt or scheduling meetings. Templates save time and maintain consistent messaging.

Gmail offers a range of shortcuts that allow you to navigate, compose, and process emails effortlessly. For example, pressing “C” lets you compose a new email, while “E” archives the selected email. Use “R” to reply to an email and “F” to forward it. To quickly move between emails, you can press “J” to move down and “K” to move up. Additionally, “Tab + Enter” allows you to send an email without touching the mouse. Familiarizing yourself with these keyboard shortcuts will save you valuable time and help you become a more efficient Gmail user.

Outlook also offers a range of little-known keyboard shortcuts to enhance your email productivity. Mastering these shortcuts can help you navigate through your inbox and manage emails swiftly. For instance, “Ctrl + Shift + M” allows you to compose a new email, while “Ctrl + R” enables you to reply to the selected email. To quickly move between messages, you can use “Ctrl + .” to move to the next email and “Ctrl + ,” to move to the previous one. Pressing “Ctrl + Enter” will send an email without needing to click the send button. By incorporating these lesser-known shortcuts into your email routine, you’ll boost your productivity and streamline your Outlook experience.

Unsubscribe and Manage Subscriptions

Periodically review your subscriptions and newsletters. Unsubscribe from irrelevant or seldom-read mailing lists. Managing subscriptions reduces inbox clutter and ensures you receive only the information that matters most to your role.

Leverage Email Snooze and Delay Send

Take advantage of features like email snooze and delay send. Use snooze to temporarily remove emails from your inbox and have them return at a more convenient time. Delay send allows you to compose emails when it suits you best but send them at a later time, ensuring timely communication.

Email Productivity Integrations and Automation

Integrate Email with Productivity Tools

Integrate your email client with productivity tools like:

a) Boomerang: Schedule emails to be sent at a later time, set email reminders, and snooze messages to deal with them later.

b) Todoist: Turn emails into tasks and seamlessly manage your to-do lists alongside your inbox.

c) Grammarly: Enhance your email writing with real-time grammar and spelling checks, ensuring professional and error-free communication.

d) Trello: Convert important emails into Trello cards and manage projects collaboratively.

e) TaskRobin: Notion and Airtable integration that simplifies saving emails by seamlessly storing all important email attributes such as contacts, subjects, and attachment files.

By leveraging these integration tools, you can supercharge your email productivity and take your workflow to the next level.


By implementing these ten easy tips and integrating useful email productivity tools, you can significantly enhance your email workflow productivity. Organize your inbox, prioritize emails, and utilize productivity tools to streamline your workflow effectively. Embrace these practices and tools, and watch as your email workflow becomes more efficient and stress-free.